Monday, September 20, 2010

"RiP! A Remix Manifesto" (For Digital, Remix/Mash-Up Culture and Copyright Alternatives)

Folks, I have added an optional documentary for the coming module because it happens to be streaming from right now from the National Film Board of Canada!  It is called RiP! A Remix Manifesto ( and you can access it in streaming format at:  You may find a great deal of inspiration for blog posts - agree, disagree, love or hate the music, and so on - from this movie alone. You will see a number of synergies with the reading you'll be doing this week, including the appearance of some of the authors! Update: Let's watch it from the National Film Board of Canada and eschew the commercial breaks from Hulu.

"Shining," a trailer for a feel-good family movie recut and mashed up from one you may be more familiar with - to dramatic effect

Also, if you've visited the blog in the last day or so, you'll see that I added a cosmetic upgrade in the form of my own visual mash-up logo.  Using keyword searches including searching for images in the public domain or under CC licensing, I found some images and threw them together to come up with a course logo.  Think you could do better?  I'm sure you could - it wouldn't take much.  If you have a few minutes and the interest, throw together something new and upload it to the blog!


  1. Another documentary of sorts - a long-form mix surveying the history of mashups and audio manipulations: Raiding The 20th Century by DJ Food (aka Strictly Kev).

  2. I haven't watched the NFBC piece yet, but I loved the mashup for The Shining, a movie that scared the crap out of me! This really illustrated well what a mashup is!

  3. An aside on remixes/mashups, the band Phoenix have released the stems from their album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix available for anyone to download and remix.

    It's nice to see bands/artists seeing opportunities in our ever changing digital landscape, as opposed to the ossified record labels clinging to outmoded methods of distribution and defunct business models.

  4. Did anyone else notice that the creator of “Remix Manifesto” cited all the Remix artists and free use content but NOT the copyrighted material in the documentary? I thought this was very apt.
