Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Welcome to the LIS 661 collective course blog!

Each week you will be responsible for posting content to the course blog, found right here at http://lis661.blogspot.com/.  These posts will take one of two forms:  you will either create an initial post synthesizing the week’s readings, with highlights on the most important, controversial or challenging areas of those readings, or respond substantively to at least one of your classmates’ postings from that week. 

There will be two groups, A and B, and each week those doing initial posts and those responding will switch.  In Week 1, group A will begin by posting, and group B will serve as respondents.  Note: while the initial set-up of posters and respondents is being used to meet the basic requirement of having everyone post, dialog-style, each week, you should feel free to substantively post and respond as much as you like during each discussion period.

Posts should not be a summary or rehashing of the content of the readings or other material you have experienced for the week.  Rather, they should be your opportunity to attempt to synthesize the material, reading it against other things you’ve read or watched for the week, or thinking about it in the larger concept of our course and our fundamental readings (e.g. Mill).  Try to pick up on the main points and concepts, think about why we are reading or watching the various selections, and link them together as best you can.

Blogging will serve as our primary means of engaging with each other and with the material.  This should be considered as serious as comments in a classroom discussion, or in a short response paper.  Please keep your initial posts to NO LONGER than 750 words, MAXIMUM.  You don’t want to lose your readers’ attention!

Due Date: Weekly, no later than 8 PM each Tuesday night (the earlier the better)

Before you get started:

1.     Read “In Whose Name?” by Alexander Halavais (http://alex.halavais.net/in-whose-name).

2.     Create an account at https://www.blogger.com/start . You will use a Google account, so either use one you already have, or create a new Google/Gmail account to use with our blog.

3.     Send your username to your instructor  so that you can be added as an author.

4.     Come back here (http://lis661.blogspot.com/) and begin to read, post and comment!

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